Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Is Josh Rosen the greatest Jewish athlete of all time?

Josh Rosen, UCLA's sophomore quarterback, is very good. When he leaves school for the NFL after next season or in 2019, he will be taken in the first round, possibly even first overall. He's also Jewish. Sure, he likes to make a big deal about how socially progressive he is and that he's an atheist, but his dad is Jewish. So, he's Jewish. Does being a future number one pick in the NFL make him the greatest Chosen athlete of all time? Let's look at some of his compatriots and see.

Mose Solomon- Nicknamed "the Rabbi of Swat," Solomon finished his legendary career with a total of three hits in two games. That's a lot for anyone to live up to. Is Rosen mentally strong enough to carry the burden? Sure he's faster, stronger, and an all-around much better athlete than this titan of baseball's dead ball era, but the truly great ones never feel the weight of expectation. Given his people's history with neurosis, it could be a big ask.

Dolph Schayes- My man Dolph played in a tough era to be a Jewish guy named Adolph, and he still managed to make the Basketball Hall of Fame. A true artist with the set-shot, read about Dolph and you'll continually see adjectives like "smart," "wily," "low to the ground," and "plodding." What's Rosen's 40 time? 5.03? Would he even make a 1950s NBA roster? Beginning to think not.

Craig Breslow- Craig Breslow stinks. The 12 Tribes have had plenty of success in the Big Leagues, but Craig did his best to ruin that legacy in 2014. Josh ranks higher on the Jewish Athlete Big Board.

Amar'e Stoudemire- Now I know what you're thinking. "Amar'e was one of the most athletic big men in NBA history. A true physical specimen and perennial all-star. How can a skinny white boy match this modern-day Samson?" Well, Amar'e didn't decide he was Jewish until 2010. So, the Jews only get to claim his post-Suns career. In other words, he kept getting injured and kept getting a ton of money. I'll spare you the easy joke. For Rosen to eclipse Jewish Amar'e, all he needs to do is sign a massive contract and fail to live up to expectations. As long as he gets drafted to the NFC East, that seems like a done deal.

George Worth- I don't know a lot of things for certain in this life. The sun will rise in the East. The Patriots will make the AFC Championship Game. And if you stepped into the fencing ring with George Worth, you weren't leaving a winner. Dude won a bronze medal in the 1948 Olympics in the team sabre event. Ask any true Olympic fan if team sabre or the 100 meter dash is a more prestigious event and you're in for a good debate. It's unfair to put Rosen in the same sentence as Worth, but I just wanted to show what kind of competition he'll be facing. Becoming the greatest Jewish athlete of all time is no lazy sabbath day.

After going through the annals of Jewish sporting history, I've determined Josh Rosen has a pretty good shot at being one of the best of all time. In terms of modern quarterbacks, his best competition is Sage Rosenfels, so I think he's got that wrapped up. In the end, though, it doesn't really matter. He'll never be better than Koufax.

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